FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 ENG Ver. » 7/25 THU http://fujirockexpress.net/13e FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 | English Version Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:06:29 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.2 He Had a Freakin’ Flaming Sword! http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1306 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1306#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 06:38:54 +0000 Shawn Despres http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1306

J and I stumbled upon a fire show while walking through Oasis after Skinny Lister’s Red Marqee pre-fest concert.  A man waved different flaming objects in front of the 100 or so spectators that stopped to watch him perform.  Everyone was impressed when he balanced a lit staff on his head.  But the highlight was definitely his flaming sword.  With the crowd cheering him on he waved the sword through the air and struck different fighting poses with it.  While the electro-pop tunes he played in the background seemed like a strange choice for musical accompaniment, the show was still very cool to see.

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Getting Spanked in the Woods http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1296 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1296#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 02:16:17 +0000 Shawn Despres http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1296 This interesting cardboard picture cutout is set up in the World Restaurant area just past the Queen Sheba stand.  If you’re looking to get your rear end tanned in the forest, head over there for some fun photo ops.  Go with a pal so that you can both take turns being the spanker and the spankee!

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Pink Panther Balloon Animal http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1298 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1298#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 02:13:07 +0000 J Muzacz http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1298 Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum da-dum da-dum da-dum da-duuuuuuum.. da da da dum.

The great thing about wandering around aimlessly after a show lets out is stumbling upon the talented and zany buskers vagabonding their way and performing for the means to buy themselves a bento. I thought for sure the festival promoter pays these guys, the fire dancers, the harmonica and kazoo players, jugglers, clowns, etc. to be here and bring their effervescent blend of fun and funny to the crowds in small, spontaneous circular doses. But this fellow in all his honest banter as he juggled 4 flaming bowling pins, telling jokes, and making the sickest balloon animal I have ever seen, says that all his pay comes from the audience appreciation. So in other words, don’t be too stingy with your change purse if you like what you see.

Though far from a beggar, this guy was good, had the crowd, including kids in stitches, and clapping amidst oohs and ahhs to his delight. And most everyone was happy to drop some yen into his alms bowl at the conclusion of his happenstance performance.

I didn’t snap a picture of him personally performing because I was too mesmerized, though I got evidence of his balloon animal-ing skills here for you.

So if you hear or see anybody gradually making a circle, advertising amidst the loudspeakers from stages all around in a carnal scream or a humorous introduction, spitting fire or the like, maybe slow down and see what all the fuss is about. If you are bull-dozing others just to get in front for MBV or something, you might just miss the awesomeness right before your eyes.


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Night Time Wanderings http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1288 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1288#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 01:21:56 +0000 Matt Evans http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1288 The perks of being staff means you get to enter the site the day before everybody else. And as a first-timer at Fuji Rock, I took the opportunity to go explore the grounds and get used to the layout. It’s strange to see such a place deserted. But it really turns magical at night, when you are the only one wandering through the grounds in the rain. With lights, artwork and mysteries hidden among the forest, it’s worth taking time out of your night-time schedule to go for a wander along the boardwalk and forest paths during a less busy time. Who knows what you will find…

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1288 0
rega http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1276 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1276#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:34:13 +0000 TOMOKING http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1276 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1276 0 Recycle Stations http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1269 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1269#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:27:52 +0000 Dave Frazier http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1269 The recycle stations are all individually painted this year, each with its own themes and motifs. Before the crowds rolled in, they were easy to admire.

The attitude towards recycling at Fuji Rock is nothing short of amazing. A festival with more than 40,000 people a day, and not litter on the ground. There is plenty to commend in that.

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1269 0
SKINNY LISTER http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1264 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1264#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:48:17 +0000 TOMOKING http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1264 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1264 0 DJ MAMEZUKA http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1252 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1252#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:57:36 +0000 mana http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1252 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1252 0 Turtle Island: exactly what the party called for http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1235 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1235#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 12:20:31 +0000 Phil Brasor http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1235 Turtle Island, the tribal punk band from Toyota, lived up to its storied reputation when it opened the pre-fest party at the Red Marquee. The crowd is always a pushover at this stage in the festival: the bon-odori has stoked the Japanese masses, the fireworks have set them afire, and the first act to play always plays to an already stoked mass of people. In addition, the 30-minute rainpour ended with clear, cool skies. I counted 14 people on stage: including lead singer/shredder Yoshiki, there were about six drummers, a traditional Japanese flute player, a sax player, and the usual punk complement of bassists/guitarists. But to call Turtle Island a punk band would be missing the point, in as much as calling Flogging Molly a punk band. Both take the attitude of punk and apply it to a tradition that’s older than anyone in their respective group could fathom. The people I saw dancing in the Red Marquee used old-fashioned Japanese dance moves, but at a more accelerated pace. The reaction was spontaneous and heartfelt. They knew what this music meant to them, and the fact that it was hardcore only made it more stimulating. A more intense  30 minutes of music will probably not be experienced the rest of the weekend. -Phil

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Candle in the wind http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1228 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1228#comments Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:30:38 +0000 Elliott Samuels http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1228 Elton John has probably been banned from appearing at Fuji Rock, and for good reason. But his song in honor of the late Princess Diana rings true at a small stall near the international food court…

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