FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 ENG Ver. » FUJIROCKERS LOUNGE http://fujirockexpress.net/13e FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 | English Version Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:06:29 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.2 (Battery) Life Saver http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=2869 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=2869#comments Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:32:11 +0000 Lisa Wallin http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=2869 If you’re running low on juice, bring your phone and cable and stop by the Fujirockers Lounge in the oasis to get that energy bar back to 100%.

Recharging your phone is free, but even those FRF is safer than most fests, it’s probably safe to stay around and keep an eye on it. Why not check out some of the amazing live shots from last years fest, or buy some Fujirockers merch while you wait?

There’s also an added bonus of free wifi! The password’s up on the wall, so just pop the details in and surf away. BUT, use with caution: Since a lot of people are using it at the same time, make sure it’s for something important (sharing a couple of pics from your awesome time here at Fuji Rock) and not something completely frivolous (sharing ALL of your photos from your awesome time at Fuji Rock).

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=2869 0
Much A’do http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1648 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1648#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:56:27 +0000 Lisa Wallin http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1648 There’s a FREE hairdressing service by two wonderful and talented stylists over at the Fujirockers Lounge every day this weekend at the fest.

Drop by anytime between 1-3pm (although it’s probably better to get there sooner, as the word’s spreadin’!) for an up-do that will dazzle other fest-goers and keep you cool (and cute) at the same time. All the accessories, the process, the chitchat and the adoring attention comes free of charge, so go check it out Sat and Sun!

And guy, no need to feel left out. You can have yours done too. ;)

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1648 0
Tohoku Livehouse Daisakusen http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1324 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1324#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:26:13 +0000 Lisa Wallin http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1324 For such a small area, the Fujirockers Lounge fits a lot of important stuff!

One of those things is a booth run by “Tohoku Livehouse Daisakuen*”, a project started by SPC Peak Performance** with a mission to found livehouses in the Tohoku region. Though the great Tohoku earthquake was almost over two years ago, there is still a lot of work to be done, not least for the cultural/music industry!

The project aims to build new music venues along the coast of the Tohoku-Sanriku area, in Miyako, Ofunato and Ishinomaki. In doing so, they hope to bring more musicians and bands who will share their power and inspiration with the community, which is in need more of emotional and spiritual support rather than financial funds. They also hope that visiting musicians will see first hand the scars left by the disaster, and encourage others to support the region as much as possible.

And if you’re not looking to buy, you can always drop by for a chat with the guys and check out all the messages from musicians and bands across Japansーquite a few of them Fuji Rock veterans, including Brahman (playing later today), Namba 69 and many, many more.

For more information on Tohoku Livehouse Daisakusen, visit their website here.

*Daisakusen = grand strategy/plan/tactics

**SPC Peak Performance = A team of 5 sound engineers with great plans for the revival of the Tohoku region. They are Akihito Nishikata, Hajime Umeki, Masayu

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1324 0
Just in Case http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1309 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1309#comments Fri, 26 Jul 2013 02:39:56 +0000 Lisa Wallin http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=1309 If you stop by the Fujirockers.org Lounge, apart from a multitude of awesome merchandise on sale (more on that later), you’ll find a handy little corner to your left side.
There’s a little green man that looks very cheery and friendly, but don’t be fooled! He’s someone to take seriously. This awkwardly boxed-shaped dude has an important message to conveyーdon’t download music illegally!
“Let’s protect our beloved music♬” he says, as his lopsided face reveals a white “L” for legal, if you look hard enough.

Whatever your beliefs on the matter, there are free band-aids for the taking, so if you need it, or even if you don’t, grab a couple of packets. You never know what may happen in the mosh pit.

“Be safe, plaster up properly if you get cut, and don’t download music illegally!” appears to be the overall message here.

http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?feed=rss2&p=1309 0