FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 ENG Ver. » KIDS LAND http://fujirockexpress.net/13e FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 | English Version Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:06:29 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.2 The kids are alright http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=4252 http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=4252#comments Sun, 28 Jul 2013 12:55:09 +0000 Elliott Samuels http://fujirockexpress.net/13e/?p=4252 Kids Land was a bit damp this year owing to the frequent downpours that made the festival that little bit tougher for parents. That certainly didn’t dampen enthusiasm from the younger festival-goers though. Touko, 6, and Kyouichiro, 4, are enjoying their third Fuji Rock, traveling all the way from Yokohama to do so. When asked what they liked best about Fuji Rock, Touko pointed to the bouncing net in Kids Land. Kyouichiro was a little more cautious, pointing to various swings hanging vertically from trees. And then with multiple “high touches,” it was back to having fun, which is what Fuji Rock is primarily about.

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