Mojito Ice Bar

  • Mojito Ice Bar
  • Mojito Ice Bar
  • Mojito Ice Bar
  • Mojito Ice Bar

Photo by Park Text by Park

Posted on 2019.7.26 13:49

"Adult" popsicles hit the spot

At the bar in the Cafe de Paris, there are an assortment of ice-cold fruity ice pops available to cool you down on a hot day.

Beyond the fruit mix, strawberry, and kiwi varieties, perhaps the best option on the menu is the alcoholic Mojito Shonan Pop.

Basically a mojito-on-a-stick, this is the perfect solution to any refreshment predicament you might be in.

If Mojito is not your thing, the strawberry ice bar that I sampled was also highly delicious.

If you’re out in the Cafe de Paris area and feeling in need of a cool down, this is the place to stop in.

7/26 FRI