Mumbai (Food Stall)

  • Mumbai (Food Stall)

Photo by Laurier Tiernan Text by Laurier Tiernan

Posted on 2019.7.28 20:29

At the bottom left-hand corner of the Oasis food stall area, lies a gorgeous little gem called “Mumbai”. A quick inquiry reveals that not all of its staff are actually from Mumbai per se but, some of them are. And, all of them hail from India. This makes for a fantastically authentic culinary experience. Despite my proud (though perhaps ridiculous) status as an Arch Culinary Cynic – the result of having penned too many restaurant reviews – I was entirely won over by this food stall. Their staff all possess excellent customer service skills, all the curries I sampled were delicious, and the samosas were to die for after twelve hours of watching live bands in the mountains. To boot, their vegetarian set – featuring two different curries, a large nan and a delicious samosa – retails for a stunningly low 1000 yen. I would eat it in the dark. I would eat it in the rain. I would eat it near a tree! Try it once, and you’ll thank me!

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