• ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO
  • ZOO

Photo by Keiko Hirakawa Text by Laura Cooper

Posted on 2019.7.27 17:08

Vitamin D Delivery Dub Party

Hailing from Valencia, Spain, while Zoo as an outfit is new to Fuji Rock, the various members are not. Incorporating members of Obrint Pas and La Grossa Sorda, the band have previous form for providing a good time and their outing at the White Stage brought a much-needed dose of Vitamin D to the overcast fest.

Kicking off with “Cap Per Avall” the band began with a nefarious echo-y dub groove under rapped lyrics, the wind section bringing in little upward flourishes that sounded like they just might be up to no good. Second song “Are Estem Sols” was more up-tempo, developing into a thumping party number that got the crowd jumping while the band raised their middle fingers and occasionally punctuated the song with cries of “fuck”.

Such is the formula Zoo brings, thumping party songs alternated with slower dub and reggae number. Given that the crowd and band are leaping around most of the time, they thoroughly deserve a good break when they’re not being urged to put their hands in the air (which is most of the time). With salsa breakdowns, dub-step bass rumbles and an incorrigible disco vibe, the whole crowd was boogey-ing by the end of the set. Zoo is all about the party, and they definitely brought it to the White Stage.