
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons
  • Keropons

Photo by MITCH IKEDA Text by Laura Cooper

Posted on 2019.7.29 01:23

Start Them Young

If one has ever wondered what all those kids wandering around the festival do other than climbing on stuff in the kid’s area between the White and Green stages, look no further than a Sunday morning at Gypsy Avalon. Families were seated about the little hill that faces the stage, kids quite expectant about who was going to come on stage.

Keropons is made up of two women dressed in oversized day-glo pantaloons singing catchy songs while furiously gesturing. Watching them perform reminded me of watching the Teletubbies on a Saturday morning as a university student recovering from the night before and staring in mute incomprehension and complete fascination at the TV.

Waving their elbows and flashing their armpits, the show kicked off with a song about touching body parts – heads, fingers, and hips. Drawing out suggestion from the kids in the crowd, this escalated to touching cheeks of both varieties, because this is what happens when you allow children to make artistic decisions for you.

A slightly dubious moment involved the arrival of Mr. Piri Piri, the Keropons’ friend from Africa (actually Pon “in disguise”) who is distinguished by tribal clothes, an odd voice and a penchant for spicy food. What followed was a zany funk tune topped by a choreographed lesson in Swahili.

At the point where they started singing about yaki soba and fried chicken, I was starting to get flashbacks (and I had another band to get to) so I left Gypsy Avalon to a field of people shouting about whether or not they want juice or beer all while learning little dance routines with their kids.

There are worse ways to spend the morning!