Fuji Rock – Set in Nature – is Helping You Conserve it!

  • Fuji Rock – Set in Nature – is Helping You Conserve it!
  • Fuji Rock – Set in Nature – is Helping You Conserve it!
  • Fuji Rock – Set in Nature – is Helping You Conserve it!
  • Fuji Rock – Set in Nature – is Helping You Conserve it!

Photo by fujirockers.org Text by fujirockers.org

Posted on 2021.8.21 10:48

As you’ve probably noticed at this year’s Fuji Rock, we’re helping you recycle more effectively than ever. No one could miss the plethora of recycling stations peppered throughout the grounds, and each station is staffed by at least two people; to answer any questions you might have.

Bins are divided into Burnable Trash, Pet Bottles, Bottle Caps, Paper Cups, and even Chop Sticks. We’re told that seventeen recycle paper drinking cups can make an entire roll of toilet paper; significantly reducing the environmental impact of our inevitable body functions. We’re told that the chop sticks will also be recycled into useable products, but there is no confirmation as to what those will be right now.

Max Kokuei, a young man from London, is one of four staff members manning the station nearest the concessions beside The Red Marquee. He says that the festivals is trying to raise awareness of recycling, in order to get people to want to do it themselves. He says it’s his first year at a Japanese festival, and that it’s been heaps of fun. He says he can’t say whether restrictions are cramping anyone’s style, because the other festivals he’s seen were European. He thinks the main difference is that this year the festivities have been scaled down.

So, there you have it, from a man at ground zero! Recycle for your own good, and the good of all!

[Photo: 2 All photo]