The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock

  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock
  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock
  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock
  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock
  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock
  • The Unattended Camping Chairs of Fuji Rock

Photo by Nina Cataldo Text by Nina Cataldo

Posted on 2021.8.21 17:16

A sight you see, only at a Japanese music festival

This is a traditional sight at Fuji Rock: dozens of unattended camping chairs – some in grouped pods – patiently stay still on the grassy lawns of the Green Stage.

Some are left human-less for multiple hours or sets before the owners come back and make use of them. As someone who was accustomed to overseas festivals before attending Fuji Rock, this was a shocking sight to see.

If this weren’t for the respectful and kind culture that Fuji Rock manifested since its inception – if this wasn’t Japan – unattended chairs would be occupied by complete strangers in no time. Some may be left after use, but some may even be taken with the new owners far off to another stage or campsite.

It’s still an awe-inspiring shock to me, how they are all kept unguarded and yet, completely alone from any who may disturb the peace. Even if a chair is left unattended all day – even overnight – there’s a very high chance that the chair and owner will be reunited in the same place where they parted.

It’s a beautiful thing to witness at Fuji Rock that only those of us who have experienced other kinds of festivals may understand and appreciate.

[Photo: 3 All photo]