Tokoro Tengoku

  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku
  • Tokoro Tengoku

Photo by Jonathan Cooper Text by Jonathan Cooper

Posted on 2021.8.22 10:04

If the fest heats up, come cool down!

Every year Fuji Rock is populated not only by human festival goers, but colorful rock creatures known as Gon as well! Originally an artistic creation of London’s Robert Gordon McHarg III, these whimsical painted and ocularly adorned rocks are scattered all around the festival each year – some big, some small, but most of them in their preferred habitat – in and around the river bordering Tokoro Tengoku.

If the weather starts to heat up, strip off those hiking boots and dip your toesies in some clean, fresh and COLD water. Instant and free cool down, courtesy of Naeba.

Today being Sunday and the last day of the festival, it is also your chance to nab a unique, yet heavy, souvenir! The supply of Gon is replenished annually, so festival goers are encouraged to bag one and bring it home to their trophy rooms. Poach one early, when they are Gon, they are Gon!

[Photo: 4 All photo]