DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday

  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday
  • DJ Quietstorm – 8/22 Sunday

Photo by HARA MASAMI Text by Nina Cataldo

Posted on 2021.8.22 19:03

DJ Quietstorm plays his second set of the weekend to a more niche crowd

Following his set at Pyramid Garden on Friday, DJ Quietstorm played his second set of the weekend up at the Day Dreaming stage. His midday set was after Japanese artists YOU THE ROCK & DJ DA-15 where there was a whole crowd of local fans. Perhaps, it was a hard act to follow, or perhaps, that’s what the DJ himself and the audience preferred.

In this odd year of Fuji Rock where there are no international artists and very few international festival attendees, a musician who has roots overseas can be a hard sell.

Nonetheless, the set brought out some hardcore dancers and good vibes to the area surrounding the stage. Kids also enjoyed running around listening to his mixes while chasing dragonflies.

DJ Quietstorm played countless hip-hop mixes and even threw in the Queen — Beyoncé, that is. For the international listeners in the crowd, it was a stream of banger after banger, bringing out the dance moves we missed during many other occasions this weekend (or even this year). With the intimidation created by overseas hits and dance moves, not many dared to step up to the grounds to dance, only a few. But that created a cool community of its own; a sort of silent understanding and longing for the international connections.

With 30 minutes left in his set, DJ Quietstorm threw in some 70s disco, jazz, and even some reggaeton which brought out many listeners in the chairs to their feet. It showed how some music is more universal than others, though not saying one is preferred over the other. He was able to bring his set to a close with a sense of unity being restored and enjoyed up at Day Dreaming.

[Photo: 10 All photo]