End Report from Fuji Rock ’21

  • End Report from Fuji Rock ’21

Photo by fujirockers.org Text by Nina Cataldo

Posted on 2021.8.24 17:24

A word from the festival organizers

Festival organizers released a report on Tuesday, August 24th following the conclusion of Fuji Rock Festival ’21. Below is a brief summary. To see the original post in Japanese, click HERE.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who was involved with Fuji Rock ’21. This includes everyone in the host area of Naeba, performers, staff, and customers – to all of those who were involved.

Thank you to the Naeba Ski Resort area for hosting us, despite health concerns. To the artists who performed, and to the artists who chose not to perform or chose to cancel with heavy hearts.

Thank you to the staff who worked around the clock, and to the visitors who adhered to the health guidelines and cooperated with all of the restrictions. We also extend our gratitude to those who chose not to attend this year due to various reasons. We still thank you for the support.

In the unknown and difficult times that lead up to the festival this year, we appreciate everyone carrying out tests and temperature checks. Your cooperation helped us feel more reassured about all of the pros and cons we weighed out in order to hold the festival.

At the moment, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 from the festival. We will continue to collect the information over time and report the results to everyone. We hope that our infection control measures will set leading precedents going forward.

In the meantime, we would like to ask all participants to continue monitoring your healths and take voluntary health measurements to ensure safety, wherever you are.

Keep On Fuji Rockin’

Fuji Rock Festival Secretariat / Masahiro Hidaka

Fuji Rock Festival ’21 Visitor Count:
“Total” number of visitors over 3-days: 35,449
Friday, August 20: 12,636
Saturday, August 21: 13,513
Sunday, August 22: 9,300

[Photo: 1 All photo]

fuji rock 2021FujiRock2021