• SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM
  • SiM

Photo by KentaKUMEI Text by Nina Cataldo

Posted on 2021.8.20 23:39

Ultimate alternative metal band SiM wins over the crowd on the Green Stage

There was fire, lots of dancing, head-banging, and even hair-parting as part of SiM’s ultra energetic live set.

Lead vocalist MAH kept the audience entertained with his hilarious jokes and welcoming tones, as he was sure to have first time metal show attendees in the crowd. Dressed in all black with a red tie and dark makeup around his eyes, MAH resembles Green Day’s Billy Joel Armstrong – a figure that any alternative and even mainstream lovers know in the West. For that matter, there was an endearing and nostalgic sense to the set. But furthermore, what won the crowd over was how MAH and his band connected with the audience on an emotional level.

This is SiM’s third time playing at Fuji Rock. Ten years ago, they popped their Fuji Rock cherry on the Rookie A Go Go stage – a stage well-known to curate lesser-known or up-and-coming local artists. At that time, the band didn’t even have the privilege to lodge at the famous artists’ mecca, Naeba Prince Hotel. They were instead, gifted one campground tent ticket to which the whole band crammed in to. They blended in with the rest of the festival goers, unknown to many surrounding them.

Their second gig was held on the White Stage seven years ago. And now, this year, they were given the chance to play on the main stage – Green Stage – among headliners such as RADWIMPS and Man With a Mission.

MAH even joked that he thought the fire cannons on stage were only reserved for such artists, but in fact, SiM used the heck out of the fire features on stage.

Like many other artists, SiM addressed the hardships of this year’s festivals such as its alcohol restrictions and – a big one for metal bands – no moshing. However, the band relayed their most important message saying that their mission is to deliver a great metal/rock show that makes the audience fall in love with attending rock shows. Their mission is to make the audience wanting to come back for more in the future.

MAH even acknowledged that they may not have been able to play on the Green Stage had it not been for this year’s circumstances that barred well-known foreign artists from playing. So, him and the band’s hope is to play on the main stage once again when the festival returns to its international roots. And in order for that hope to flourish, they wanted to deliver the very best show they could.

And boy, were blown away, just like the fire from the cannons. They truly delivered far beyond expectations of many attendees. Their energy on stage transferred right into the crowd; from left to right, front to back, everyone was dancing their hearts out, waving and clapping their hands in sync.

When SiM played “Devil in You Heart” the band asked everyone to sing it in their heads (as festival-goers have been asked not to cheer or sing along) and instantaneously, it was evident that people were doing just so.

With ten minutes left of the show, MAH asked into the crowd – to a specifically chosen person – what song they’d like to hear. By the last song, where he would usually mosh into the pit, MAH instead asked everyone to part their hairs just as he did on stage, having the camera crew spotlight some of those attendees onto the large screens.

From beginning to end, SiM held the space together with the audience. Not only did their banger songs bring up the crowd, but their welcoming atmosphere and accessibility hit an emotional chord with everyone.

Truly passionate metalheads, we can’t wait to see them rock the stage again at Fuji Rock in the future.

[Photo: 10 All photo]