君島大空 合奏形態

  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態
  • 君島大空 合奏形態

Photo by KentaKUMEI Text by Jonathan Cooper

Posted on 2021.8.22 11:24

Sunday morning art pop collage

Ohzora Kimishima is as much a visual and tactile artist as he is a musical one, his releases typically featuring images of detailed, hand-stitched collages made by the performer himself. His music has a similar assembly-process feel, and his live take on this was proudly on display at his Sunday Morning Red Marquee set.

The set started big and bold, Ohzora leading his four piece group slung with guitar and tucked firmly stage left. The choice not to place himself square in the center implying that the music should be the focus, not the artist himself. This first song of the set, Enshi no Contralto, had the swell and yearning of Japanese pop-rock, but the frequent unexpected directions the song took and Ohzora’s guitar work in particular gave it a more experimental and harder edge. From there the set played not only with different sounds via synth and effects, but different musical styles as well. At times nearly danceable, up-tempo and playful, at others melancholic and restrained, the movements within songs were stitched together with the hand of an accomplished artist. Each song felt like a cohesive whole made of disparate parts – not quite the real sound collages of his recorded work, but a good reinterpretation for the stage.

He took time to let songs breathe, and the set felt full but not at all rushed, despite its short 40 minute runtime. Toward the end he really caught his stride with songs like the energetic Jyuugo, with its sprinkling of sounds and effects, and the slow burn build of set closer Halo.

It would be appropriate to say that the vibe was reminiscent of a junior team organic Cornelius, or a plugged-in Shugo Tokumaru with less circus. It was hard to say if it was experimental art pop or pop experimenting with art, and it was a slight departure from his recorded sound, but on the whole the set was engaging and, at moments, very enjoyable.

In the two years since his 2019 Rookie a Go-Go performance and the release of his first EP, Ohzora Kimishima’s career and art has seen a lot of evolution. Here’s hoping he continues to grow into the great potential he already shows.

[Photo: 10 All photo]