
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon
  • clammbon

Photo by Masami Yasue Text by Mika C

Posted on 2022.7.30 07:35

A masterful performance with only five day’s notice

As last minute replacements, clammbon delivered and then some! Even during their mic check/rehearsal, waiting audience members danced and cheered!

clammbon has been around since 1996, and they have certainly made a name for themselves throughout their time together as a band. They are known for their epic festival appearances and their unique covers of well-loved songs. They even covered the chorus of a YOASOBI song, paying tribute to the artists that sadly could not make it this year. clammbon covered only a small portion of YOASOBI’s 優しい彗星 (Gentle Comet) saying “Let’s save the full chorus for when they come back here.” In another act to show respect to YOASOBI, clammbon delivered a message on the pop duo’s behalf telling us they said they were sorry they couldn’t make it and hope to perform at Fuji Rock someday! It was a very sweet sentiment and audience members were touched to hear it.

clammbon had a magnetic pull to them with their evident care for their fans and their playful yet friendly aura. Drummer Daisuke Ito wore a green shirt and Bassist Mito wore a hot pink button down that perfectly coordinated with the singer. Vocalist Ikuko Harada completed the look with a long black shirt that had a green trim of the same shade and hot pink parachute pants that peeked through the bottom of her shirt. It was an incredibly charming style choice that visually represented how cohesive the group is.

The band played many of their beloved hits like Lush Life and KANADE Dance, but the highlight by far was their performance of Vital Signs. The song began normally with their J-Pop electronica sound, but soon devolved into an organized chaos of sound led by Mito. He thrashed with his bass until finally taking it off to slam it into the amp, even making a dent in it. With a microphone flush with the amp’s grates we could hear everything tenfold. The song ended with Mito flinging his bass into the air and the instrument crashing to the ground making the crowd go wild.

With only five days of notice before their performance, clammbon amazed us with what it looks like to be a seasoned professional.

[Photo: 10 All photo]