No Buses

  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses
  • No Buses

Photo by Masami Yasue Text by Jonathan Ruggles

Posted on 2022.7.30 21:25

All Aboard

No buses were off like a bullet, their first song Girl propelling forward like a locomotive. It also set the tone nicely for what would come, a flurry of propulsive music counterbalanced by subdued, slacker vocals. 90’s apathy is back!

The band kept their visuals deliberately simple, no projected videos other than occasional splashes of monochrome, very little light on the band. This minimalism helped highlight the instrumentation, which was remarkably well balanced. The drums felt like they were literally pushing the band forward, and the twinned guitars occasionally rising to sing above the deliberate grunge.

No Buses did what every good band of their ilk must know how to do, punctuate quiet with loud, and know how to go from harmonic to dissonant and back again. Counterbalancing drone with harmony. And they did it well!! Songs like Rubbish:) showed off the band’s ability to write truly catchy hooks while keeping things raw. Non Fiction saw the band joined by an MC and temporarily merge into a rap-rock lane, but for a mercifully short time. On the whole the set was solid and consistent, energetic without being tiring. Perfect for a first day of Fuji Rock early afternoon.

For those who paid the fare and took the ride, No Busses was a perfectly bumpy journey down a scenic country road, a bit nostalgic and familiar but new at the same time.

[Photo: 7 All photo]