
  • YeYe

Photo by Yusuke Baba(Beyond the Lenz) Text by Mishu C

Posted on 2022.7.30 22:45

Today marks the second time Kyoto based singer-songwriter YeYe has performed at Fuji Rock, and she is as happy as ever to be back. Prior to her performance, she hinted on her Instagram that costumes for new members were ready to go. Yeye walked onto the Gypsy Avalon stage in light pink overalls and blue streaks in her hair as her three member band joined her for the set.

The Gypsy Avalon stage is the perfect location to unwind. Located further away from the main stages, it makes for a calming retreat away from the loud sets of the weekend. It’s been six years since YeYe last performed at Fuji Rock and today at the Gypsy Avalon, the audience was treated to an intimate set full of humor, fun, and surprises.

She and her band performed some of her popular hits Kurashi (暮らし), Otona (おとな), and STEP IN TIME. It is surprising that her Spotify hit Yura Yura (ゆらゆら) failed to make the cut. Much of the set exuded a soft and calming energy with the occasional humorous commentary. “Nice dancing!” she says to an excited audience member. A rainbow could be seen above us in latter half of the set, and the crowd left feeling refreshed and most of all, satisfied.