YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki

  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki
  • YOGA WORKSHOP / Sayaka Shibuki

Photo by Yusuke Baba(Beyond the Lenz) Text by Park Baker

Posted on 2022.7.31 16:44

A morning must for many..

I was a little nervous walking up to Pyramid Garden on Sunday morning for Sayaka Shibuki’s Yoga Workshop, mainly because I know zero about yoga.

This was not a problem however, as beginners and yoga experts alike gathered in harmony under the morning sunshine.

Hundreds of participants unrolled mats and small sheets, standing at the ready and awaiting Ms. Shibuki’s kind and easy-to-understand instruction. There were even people way up in the campsite above, barely within earshot with arms outstretched and mimicking the movements of the people below.

Though I didn’t bring a mat, I joined in the stretching and standing poses and could immediately see how this sort of relaxing activity becomes a daily routine for many.

Especially at a music festival with grounds as vast as Fuji Rock, its easy to understand the benefits of finding inner peace in your mind and body before tackling a long day of strenuous walking and standing.

It was Ms. Shibuki’s simple and friendly instruction that led everyone peacefully and gently through the session, and likely converted more than a few future yoga members in the process.

[Photo: 7 All photo]