Brew Dog Beer Tent

  • Brew Dog Beer Tent
  • Brew Dog Beer Tent
  • Brew Dog Beer Tent
  • Brew Dog Beer Tent

Photo by Jonathan Ruggles Text by Jonathan Ruggles

Posted on 2022.7.29 14:44

Howling for a Brewski

Getting tired of Heineken? It happens, and it happens fast when there are no other readily available beer options. But have no fear! Brew Dog beer is here! This once little, now near ubiquitous Scottish craft brewery has a tent (inconveniently) tucked away at the very far end of the festival outside the Gypsy Avalon stage. But the trek is worth it!

They have Punk IPA and Elvis Juice on offer (out of cans poured into cups, not taps), and if you are feeling festive they have a Campari Beer (Elvis Juice, Campari and lemon) and a Grapefruit Beer (Elvis Juice, grapefruit juice and a sprig of rosemary), for the adventurous of palette.

The grapefruit notes of the Elvis Juice complemented the bitterness of the Campari in my Campari Beer, but highest praises are reserved for its not Heineken-y flavor. Just right for a hot early afternoon at Fuji Rock.
Treat yourself, you deserve it.

[Photo: 2 All photo]
