A must-have item for kids at festivals

  • A must-have item for kids at festivals

Photo by Nina Cataldo Text by Nina Cataldo

Posted on 2022.7.31 14:43

Protect your kids' ears in Fuji Rock fashion

You may have seen some kids at Fuji Rock (or other festivals) rocking colorful ear muffs. But what are they for? They’re of course used for noise-canceling purposes: loud music, crowds, fireworks, and other high frequency noise making events. They’re very comfortable and perfect to keep kids feeling safe, and to protect their sensitive ear drums (really important!).

Fuji Rock sells their own branded set of ear muffs that come in three colors: pink, blue, and yellow. For ¥2,500, these comfortable ear muffs also come with branded bags to keep them safe in. They are sold at the merchandise tent so get a set for your kids – it’s not too late today, or for events in the future!

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