Live Reporter Intro – Jonathan Ruggles

  • Live Reporter Intro – Jonathan Ruggles

Photo by Park Baker Text by Jonathan Ruggles

Posted on 2022.7.28 17:34

Allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Jonathan, pleased to meet ya! I have been writing for Fuji Rock Express for 5 years now, and have been having a great time doing it. I am admittedly more of a live house person than a festival person, but Fuji Rock feels like the best of both worlds. I love how many international artists come to play Fuji Rock, but my personal interest lies more with the domestic artists, big and small. I’m also a big supporter of Rookie a Go-Go, and I’m always hoping to catch the next big artist there. If you see me around the festival stop me to say hi! I hope we can all have a fun, safe and memorable festival this year.


Q: What’s your all-time favorite live music experience?
A: Getting a school-night phone call from a friend at age 15 to go see the Flaming Lips play at a movie theater on their Soft Bulletin headphone tour in Madison, WI. Looper from Scotland opened, and I think the Lips were still working out the right ratios of confetti to give the crowd because after the show there was a 4 inch thick accumulation of it on the floor. It was a wild, wild show for pre-driver’s license aged me.

Q: What’s your go-to Karaoke Song?
A: Colors of the Wind. That ‘how high does the sycamore grow’ part totally slaps when you are a few hours past last train.

Q: What is the first album you ever bought?
A: Snow’s 12 Inches of Snow. My babysitter really liked Informer, and I really liked her, so for a while I really liked Snow. I don’t anymore. Although calling back to a previous question, Informer is a pretty solid karaoke song. A-licky-boom-boom-down?

Q: Who is one musician/band you want to dine with?
A: Harry Nilsson. Get us some Brandy Alexanders and let the weekend become lost.

Q: What’s your go-to kombini in Japan?
A: Mini Stop. Three words: Beni… Shoga … Karaage…

Q: What venue was the first concert you ever went to and who did you see?
A: The Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee, WI to see… The Rembrandts. Yes, the Friends theme-song band. Blessed Union of Souls opened. I’m not proud, but I’m beyond denying these facts.

[Photo: 1 All photo]

7/28 THU (EVE)