Search Results for “Keiko Hirakawa” – FUJIROCK EXPRESS '22 ENG Ver. | STRAIGHT OUTTA NAEBA! Just another WordPress site Sat, 03 Sep 2022 12:43:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nariaki Obukuro Tue, 02 Aug 2022 03:31:37 +0000 Nariaki Obukuro’s Sunday evening set at the Red Marquee came as close to a Sunday gospel church choir performance as we could at Fuji Rock this year. Obukuro stood on the dimly-lit stage with two bedside table lamps on either side of him and his band, which consisted of three chorus singers and a DJ. It appeared like a cozy bedroom, and the sounds that came out were both comforting and inspirational.

The stage changed from the yellow hues of the lamps to pink lights on one side of the stage, and blue on the other as Obukuro began singing a love song; it felt as though the man and woman were singing to each other. The gospel-inspired R&B music was layered on with hip-hop and the DJ. Obukuro, as well as his backup singers’ vocal ranges are absolutely one of the best that were heard all weekend at the festival.

Once there was a pause in the music, Obukuro made note that he just returned from England, after 3 months of his tour. Fuji Rock ’22 concludes his tour and he asked the audience if it would alright to open a can of beer at the end of his set, since he hasn’t drank over the tour. He also exclaimed that he turned down live streaming for his set from the festival because “my music isn’t meant to be watched on a computer screen,” and he praised the crowd for turning down big-namers, Superorganism (who were playing at the same time on the White Stage), to be at his musical experience all the way out in the countryside of Niigata.

His set transformed from Sunday-morning gospel to deeper, darker beats heard at clubs as the sun began to set. Whether people were there to wind down after a long, hot weekend, or to start off their long night ahead, Obukuro provided the perfect amount of musical entertainment.

Obukuro is the CEO of Tokyo Recordings, which has produced acts such as Wednesday Campanella and Kou Shibasaki. He has also co-produced music with famous Japanese American musician, Hikaru Utada (which was briefly rumored to be a secret act at Fuji Rock this year).

Best of the Fest: Jonathan Mon, 01 Aug 2022 03:57:27 +0000 It was so, so good to have Fuji Rock feeling like Fuji Rock again, though here’s hoping next year will be even more normal, with less cancellations and more fun surprises. That being said, it was a blast and, true to Fuji Rock form, it was hard to pick just 5 things that made this year special. Here they are, though, in no particular order:

1 – Ei Wada Electronicos Fantasticos
When I said these are not in any particular order, I lied. Because number one was Ei Wanda’s Saturday Night Naeba Shokudo performance. Feeling like a festival put on by and performed for broken appliances, it was something that needed to be seen to be believed. Pure weirdo magic.


2 – Dinosaur Jr
This was the show I was looking forward to the most, and it did not disappoint. I have been a fan of Dinosaur Jr since I was a teenager, and to see them and have them still be this good was a total dream come true. J Mascis Rules.


3 – Terry Riley with Sara Miyamoto – Everything and Beyond
It was super cool to see a legend like Terry Riley perform in the flesh, and even cooler to see him perform with my friend Sara Miyamoto. My only request would have been for a little more cloud cover because boy was it hot! But that didn’t stop it from being an amazingly good time.


4 – Otoboke Beaver
I love this band. I have been a fan since they just started over a decade ago, and they rule every time. I am happy to see them get the attention they deserve, and I was super pumped to find out that they were the secret pre-festival artist on Thursday night. Sex, shibazuke and rock n’ roll!


5 – The Weather
It didn’t really rain! Unprecedented! It was hot, but not too hot, perhaps a little too sunny, but at no point was I suffering with wet socks and a wet phone all huddled into my rain gear. Thank you Naeba!


Hopes for Next Year
Bring back the Oasis bakery! Having a croissant or some kind of pastry in the morning helps keep me sane, and Fuji Rock this year had a shortage of bread keeping me happy. Runner up is bring back the artist name pun cocktails now that alcohol is back. A Jack White Russian? Tom Michelada? Mog-wine cooler? Lemon Dino-sour Jr? The possibilities are endless!

PENTHOUSE Sun, 31 Jul 2022 20:18:19 +0000 MOGWAI Sun, 31 Jul 2022 19:08:20 +0000 Heavy. Not just heavy, Scottish heavy. Heavy like a bunch of boulders. That’s the closest approximation to the feeling of Mogwai. This is not just the volume, it is just the general weight of it all.

Set opener To the Bin My Friend started melodic and restrained, but anyone who knows Mogwai knows that restraint is a judiciously used property. Once the full band kicks in there is a sound you don’t hear so much as feel. And that, my friends, is the magic of Mogwai. Music you feel. Seismic music.

Their second song, I’m Jim Morrison, I’m Dead provided a cold and bleak soundtrack to what had been up until now a bright and sunny day. But like vengeful spirits Mogwai called for rains in Naeba, called for moors. Cold and heavy.

The crowd got into things when the band started Hunted by a Freak, with its clear guitar lines and very unclear vocals. Again, the end of the world viewed from a snow dusted moor. And a heavy one at that.

How to be a werewolf saw the set rise up and get a little cheerful for a moment. Pulsating synths and jangling guitars. Ritchie Sacramento also got a big rise out of the crowd, perhaps because it was again a song with vocals. But beyond simply that it was a banger and Mogwai nailed it.

It was brought up during the set that Mogwai were making their 22 year anniversary return to the Red Marquee tonight. I can’t imagine a better place at Fuji Rock for them. Their home here will hopefully always be open to them, and trust in heaven that we’ll have them back again soon.

Cornelius Sun, 31 Jul 2022 18:46:29 +0000 石崎ひゅーい Sun, 31 Jul 2022 18:42:38 +0000 Elephant Gym Sun, 31 Jul 2022 08:45:28 +0000 GLIM SPANKY Sun, 31 Jul 2022 01:28:27 +0000 GLIM SPANKY is a 60s/70s inspired rock duo formed in 2007. On Saturday, they blessed the Fuji Rock festival with their loving energy and banging tunes!

Vocalist and guitarist Remi Matsuo has a voice that is undeniably made for rock. She has the signature raspiness to her voice with all the power necessary to throw her melodies across a crowd. Compared to the studio recorded versions, she sounds just as amazing live! Lead guitarist Hiroki Kamemoto is just as impressive with how he jumps across frets to deliver the sickest guitar solos. These two complement each other so well and their partnership really shone through their performance.

In between sets, the two shared small anecdotes and conversed with the audience. It gave a very friendly and intimate vibe! They both expressed their extreme gratitude to be back at Fuji Rock, making their return for the first time since 2018. Not a lot of artists made conversation the way GLIM SPANKY did. Kamemoto asked the audience about their personal experiences with festivals and Matsuo asked how everyone’s health was, seeming genuinely concerned about everyone’s wellbeing.

The two seem very considerate of others based on these interactions, but their care goes far past just their fans. During the set, they took time to introduce and thank all of the members of the band like the drummer and keyboard player. Even the lighting crew got a shoutout on their instagram story later that day! They are very cognizant of other people’s work in a way that is rare to see to this degree with other artists.

Matsuo noticed and pointed out the rainbow sprawled across the sky to the audience mid way through the set. She made a charming comment about how this rainbow is blessing us all to have good luck throughout the weekend. This just goes to show that wherever GLIM SPANKY goes, the good vibes follow.

DINOSAUR JR. Sat, 30 Jul 2022 17:24:11 +0000 Dinosaur Jr are legends of the game, with decades of history under their collective belts and enough personal and interpersonal history to fill at least a few books. They brought this experience to Fuji Rock and put on what may have been one of the best shows of the festival.
Wasting no time after hitting the stage, J already starting their first song Thumb before Lou had even gotten his bass ready. Confidence abounds. The show really started halfway through the song when J, mid solo, decided things just weren’t loud enough and went over and turned up the amp volume himself. He didn’t ask the sound team to raise it, he did it. Baller move, and the extra oomph really helped.
Let’s talk about J Mascis’s guitar playing for a moment… he plays like he was born with one in his hand, he is effortless and casual while the instrument is careening and screaming. He has said he only really cared about being in a band so he can play guitar loud, and it shows.
The band really grabbed the crowd with their second song Wagon, another golden era great of theirs, and it really showed off that drummer Murph still has it, tight and crisp and precise.
At this point the band went onto a stretch of metrical from their newest album Sweep it Into Space, and honestly despite the fact that they don’t have the same nostalgia factor working in their favor didn’t change the fact that they were still bangers, and Dinosaur Jr hasn’t lost their edge in the slightest.
It was back to classics with You’re Living All Over Me’s Little Fury Things, sounding fresh as ever. If you closed your eyes (or squinted really, really hard) it wouldn’t be hard to believe it was 1987 all over again. Feel the Pain really got the crowd moving for the first time, from opening bars onward. It was good to see so many firsts pumping and so many heads banging, it has been far too long.
The hits kept rolling, peaking with their famous cover of the Cure’s Just Like Heaven, with guitar work from J arguably better than their original recording, and then the band’s signature anthem Freak Scene. Even though we are all getting older, the freak scene is still inside us.
Oddly they decided on Gargoyle, a track from their overlooked first album, as an encore starter, which is a mighty deep cut for a band with so many more recognizable songs, but they went with their guts and it kind of ruled! And finally Training Ground, a Lou sung barker. Things kind of fizzled out more than ending with a bang, but it just felt natural. It was as though they were done playing so they just stopped, like the stage was just their basement practice space. A good feeling.
Dinosaur Jr is one of those rare birds, a band that hasn’t fossilized into only playing only their old music but who has continued to evolve and grow while staying true to what has always been at their core. Even the return to the original lineup shows how pure they are artistically. And while they may fight like family, they perform like family too.

Fire EX. Sat, 30 Jul 2022 06:33:25 +0000 Taiwanese punk rock band Fire EX. was fired up to be performing today! With songs using a mix of Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese Hokkien, English and Japanese, there was something for everyone to enjoy at this band’s performance.

Fire EX. first formed in the year 2000 including members Yang Ta-Cheng (Sam) on vocals, Chung-U-Chen (ORio) on guitar, Chen Jing-Yuan (JC) on bass and Ke Guang (KG) on drums. Today, lead singer Sam said “We spend 22 years to get here. I wanna cry.” The crowd was moved by his graciousness and appreciation.

Last time Fire EX. was slated to perform, Covid had unfortunately canceled all of their shows for that year. Their fifth album had just been released and they were very excited to perform the songs they worked so hard on, but sadly the universe had other plans. Now after two years, they can finally perform their pieces from UNSUNG HEROES and all of their new releases since then. In particular, they said their song The Light was special to them and they were excited to get the chance to perform it.

Their phenomenal stage presence brings a smile to your face. The band’s constant dancing and interaction makes them incredibly entertaining to watch. They clearly take their performance into account because one song in their set required all of the singers to stay put and harmonize while playing, so they could not move around and interact with the audience as much. Then for their next song, they brought out a fifth guest guitarist to play Sam’s part so he could move around while singing. Although ORio and JC had to stay by their mic stands, you can tell they added the fifth member to keep the energy high and the audience engaged.

They made up for lost time not performing by making this set as special as possible. The guest singers, musicians and humble enthusiasm made for a great show!
