“Yusuke Baba(Beyond the Lenz)” の検索結果 – FUJIROCK EXPRESS '23 | フジロック会場から最新レポートをお届け http://fujirockexpress.net/23 FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL(フジロックフェスティバル)を開催地苗場からリアルタイムでライブレポート・会場レポートをお届け! Fri, 18 Aug 2023 09:33:43 +0000 ja hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.23 Sean’s Best of the Fest: Full Fuji http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_8688 Wed, 02 Aug 2023 02:31:43 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=8688 We’re back, and in a big way! No half-measures this year, like social
distancing and no alcohol sales, but ramping it up like Dave Grohl of
Foo Fighters said, “Full Fuji.”

1) Palace of Wonder
Sitting majestically on top of a hill, the Spiegel Tent was a beacon for
those who dug deep inside of themselves and wanted one more party. Sure, there were the purists who thought the old location was better,
but I’m not going to waste words discussing this. And it’s a big up for those that made it happen, balancing a 100-year-old tent on uneven
ground and even pulling it out of a container after four years of moldy storage. The art was back thanks to Debs, Strapper, and the crew,
who are the blood and sweat of the festival.

2) Boardwalk
It was a joy traveling to different stages this year, and every effort was made to make the walk even more meaningful with images of former
Fuji Rockers like Joe Strummer and Taylor Hawkins. I like to call it the
“Stay Free” highway and would play the Clash song to tell everyone
about the hard work, commitment, and dedication that made
independent music a viable art form. As Joe Strummer would say,
“Without people, you’re nothing.”

Backstage, where many weren’t allowed to travel, were other signs for promoters and other artists like Marc Zermati of Sky Dog Records
from Paris, France, who also helped introduce punk rock music to
Europe and the world.

But even without knowing these backstories, traveling through the
forest daytime, nighttime, or even sunup was a true pleasure. There
was art, there was nature, there were friends, and most of all,
dear reader, there was you!

3) LGBTQ pride and awareness
Thanks to brave artists like Lizzo and others, audiences in Japan were given a glimpse at a community where “love is love” and it truly didn’t matter who you were holding hands with, kissing, or calling your
partner. Many stigmas still exist in regular, daily life, but for
one magical weekend, we were all accepting of our individual
preferences and dropped our prejudices.

On a similar note, the 30,000+ audience members each day were especially polite and appreciative of each other. Friends have noted that it would be nice if we could all take this “Fuji Spirit” back with us to our
offices, our homes, and our communities. A little love and kindness
can go a long way.

4) Don’s Cafe
If there was one location that was a home for all sentient beings,
it was Don’s Cafe. Located on a distant path behind the Prince Hotel
on the way to Pyramid Gardens, this venue served rainbow crepes,
coffee, and gin and tonics and hosted a handful of bands.

But more than anything, it encouraged people to be nice to pets
and potentially adopt a dog or cat. In the Ganban Store, there was a
t-shirt listing all of Masa’s cats and dogs, and it was quite a big list.
Adopting a furry friend just might make us better people.

5) Green Stage
Music across the board was outstanding, but the Green Stage really
hit its mark this year as it was well-managed, accessible, friendly, and on-time with scheduling. Perfect weather didn’t hurt, but spending an afternoon camped out in the grass, under a tree, or up in the hills
simply couldn’t be any better.

6) The Music
Alright, what everyone is waiting for is which bands rocked. After
a few conversations, I can attest that these bands brought their best:
Idles, Lizzo, Foo Fighters, Cory Wong, Black Midi, Weezer, and Alanis

【フジロック3日目深夜周遊記】 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_8530 Wed, 02 Aug 2023 01:51:41 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=8530 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅによって口火を切られた3日目の深夜。もろもろの仕事に一区切りをつけ26時頃にオアシスに繰り出すと、1日目のOVERMONOだったり2日目のTSHAROMYのサウンドが弾けていた同時間帯ほどではないけど、それでも多くの人が夜を楽しんでいるみたいだ。Rainbow cafeの店員さんが、通りがかった下町バルながおか屋の人たちと「フジローック!!」って掛け合ってたりする光景を見ると、最終日って感じがしてくるなあ、なんて少ししみじみとしてしまう。

あと3時間ほどで今年のフジロックが終わってしまう名残惜しさを感じつつも、最後まで楽しみ尽くそうとする人々の活気を感じる心地よい空気感。僕はというとオアシスに響いているレッド・マーキーのYUNG BAEのプレイと、溶け合うように聞こえてくるGAN-BAN SQUAREのTAKU INOUEのサウンドに後ろ髪を引かれつつも、パレス・オブ・ワンダーに向かう。だって今年まだパレスに行ってないもの!パレスへ向かう道すがら、ゲートでは記念撮影をする人たちの姿が。でも僕らにはまだ早い。


26:20くらいにパレスに到着すると、ROOKIE A GO-GOではSPENSRのライブが盛り上がりを見せている様子で、クラブ・ミュージックの情感をファンキーなバンドサウンドに落とし込んだような演奏は、こんな夜にぴったり。「来年もまた苗場で会えたら嬉しいです」という言葉にも気概がこもっていた。

そしてたまたま友人と遭遇し、すぐ隣のパレス・アリーナで始まったのは、SAKURA CIRCUSの今年のフジロック最終公演。前夜祭でもレッドのPA前あたりからこの公演を観ていたが、目の前で見ると迫力も段違いだ。連動して回転する2つの円の内外で2人がまわるパフォーマンスは、一歩間違えれば大事故必至でハラハラドキドキが止まらない。

前夜祭でも観たDuo vitalysのバランス芸は、至近距離で見ると2人の表情がとても印象的で、一瞬でも集中を切らすと失敗するであろう緊張感が凄まじい。そして新太くんとアラン・ダヴィッドさんの足技「イカリオス」では新太コールが巻き起こり、ビシッと決めた新太くんは会心の表情。9歳にしてこのショーマンシップとプロ意識なのだ。まったくもって頭の下がる思いだ。


ROOKIE A GO-GOに戻ると今年最後の出演者となるカラコルムの山々が登場。な、なんだ?どういう音楽だこれ?かなりカオティックなバンドサウンドに歌心も混ざり合うパフォーマンスは深まっていく夜を刺激的に彩っている。





そしてクリスタル・パレス・テントに入ると、BIG WILLIE’S BURLESQUEがフロアを盛り上げている。いや、“が”ではないな。ここにいる全員が織り出すような光景は眩いばかりで、僕らもあまり自覚はしていなくとも、観るというよりこの濃密な時間を感じることをしているんだろう。



この時間になってくると多くの飲食店も閉まり始め、店員さんも奔放な感じになっている。28時過ぎにオアシスに到着すると麺屋「極」のお兄さんが呼び込みをしていて、お客さんや隣の店の人とも気さくに言葉を交わす様子は、もう友達のような感じもある。もちろん売り上げ次第で、という話もあるはずだけど、与える側 / 与えられる側なんて垣根がなくなっていくこの感じが好きだ。

GAN-BAN SQUAREではSeihoがガンガンにフロアを煽るビートで盛り上がっている様子。アンビエントなセットも好きだけど、これもまたいい。そろそろ空が明るくなっていく。遭遇した友人とベストアクトや今年あったエピソードを話しながら、ゆらゆら揺られていた。いつだったかここでUKアンセム祭りみたいな朝を迎えたことがあったななんて、懐かしく思ったりもした。

そしてレッド・マーキーに足を運んでみるとFrancois K.の最終盤で29時終演。なはずが前方に集った人たちは歓声と拍手で次を望み、帰る気配がまったくない。「もう一曲かけれるよ」と流暢な日本語で応え、29:18頃、最後の音が鳴り止む。本当に一瞬足を運んだだけだけど、すごくいいフロアだったんだろうなということがよくわかる、ハッピーなムードが漂っていたことだけはよく覚えている。



Mika’s Best of the Fest http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_8456 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 12:38:31 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=8456 That’s a wrap on Fuji Rock 2023! This is only my second ever Fuji Rock but this weekend was such a wildly different experience compared to last year. I loved being able to see both flavors of the festival!

Out of all of the phenomenal acts this year here were my favorites from the weekend:

Lexie Liu
After a full day of travel, I was ready for a chill day 0 in preparation for the long weekend, but Lexie Liu had other plans for me. I stumbled upon her set at Red Marquee and she immediately had my full attention! Especially because Red Marquee can sometimes muddle the artists’ diction, I was especially fond of Liu including lyrics (and translations!) of all of her songs on the background screen. A nice touch for anyone with auditory processing issues and a surefire way for new fans to easily add songs they like to their playlists (which is exactly what I did).

Chilli Beans.
Fans of Paramore’s more pop sounding music would adore Chilli Beans. These ladies ooze such an effortlessly cool aura that I’m already dreaming of seeing them live again! It’s been mentioned before but the four person drum solo? I gasped. Moto, Maika and Lily’s chemistry on stage is so engaging that it reawakens everyone’s childhood dream of being in a band with your best friends.

Caroline Polachek
It was so fun to sing along with Polachek’s iconic vocal riffs! Her choreography was so dynamic, her look was to die for, her vibes were immaculate… I could go on and on. I’d yet to go to a Fuji Rock show where the main performer calls up another artist who is also performing that weekend, so when Polachek called Weyes Blood to the stage it was truly a glorious moment. I will be thinking about this set for years to come and I am not exaggerating!

100 gecs
100 gecs sounds like what it feels like to grow up in gen z internet culture. It just scratches that itch. It is the exact type of music best consumed at dangerous volumes and sung with as much aggression as possible. All this to say, it is really fantastic concert music! The audience knew they were signing up for a silly goofy time which really just made the experience all the better in my opinion.

Lizzo’s set fully felt like I was seeing her on a leg of her own tour. There were beautiful set pieces, backup dancers, costume changes and of course her band consisting of only lesbians, the Lizzbians. Every last second of this set was handled with love and care! Even when the microphone stand was being put on stage, it was danced on stage and artfully set down by one of the dancers. And let’s not forget Lizzo’s “life long dream” of reenacting the Sailor Moon transformation sequence. So iconic.

THE CABARET CATS’ SWING with JVC FORCE TYO http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1735 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:41:12 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1735 DJ GONCHAN http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1734 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:40:10 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1734 BIG WILLIE’S BURLESQUE http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1733 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:38:17 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1733 NAOYUKI UCHIDA http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1732 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:37:22 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1732 ROOTSTRIBE DUB SEPTET http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1731 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:36:41 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1731 SOUL BONANZA SOUNDSYSTEM http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1730 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:35:37 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1730 REGGAELATION INDEPENDANCE http://fujirockexpress.net/23/p_1729 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:35:11 +0000 http://fujirockexpress.net/23/?p=1729