ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza

  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
  • ENG: Interview with Singer Lova Lois of Esne Beltza
PHOTO BYfujirockers.org

Posted on 2024.7.30 23:49

Esne Beltza's Electric Performance at Fuji Rock

The vibrant Basque band Esne Beltza brought an electrifying energy to Fuji Rock this year. Fujirockers had the pleasure of chatting with their dynamic singer, Lova Lois, after their rousing second performance of the weekend. Here’s a glimpse into their experience at the festival and Lova’s personal journey with the band.

A Tale of Two Sets

Esne Beltza performed at 3 a.m. Saturday at Crystal Palace, followed by a performance less than 12 hours later on the White Stage. When asked about the difference between their performances over the two days, Lova described the first night as more intimate, with a closer connection to the audience. “Saturday night was more intimate. Like we were more near the people. But Sunday was like an explosion,” she said, her excitement palpable. This juxtaposition between the closeness of their first set and the explosive energy of the second highlighted the band’s versatility and their ability to engage with the crowd in different settings.

Fuji Rock: A Familiar Stage

Despite this being Lova’s first time at Fuji Rock and in Japan, Esne Beltza is no stranger to the festival, marking their fifth appearance. Lova marveled at the Japanese audience, describing them as incredibly passionate and welcoming. “The Japanese crowd is so grateful. They go crazy or mad. It doesn’t matter if they know you or not. They are so grateful. I love that part of this culture,” she shared. This warm reception contrasted with the often reserved audiences they encounter in Europe, making their performances in Japan particularly special. “In other countries, they are colder. They start like getting high when the show is in the middle or finishing. But I feel like in Japan, you just say hi and they are like… they are mad just in the start of the show.”

A Whirlwind Tour

The band’s tight schedule left little room for sightseeing, but Lova was captivated by the snippets of Tokyo she managed to explore. “We see something about Tokyo, and I was like, I love it,” she exclaimed. Their busy itinerary included a performance at MARZ in Shinjuku before heading to the festival, showcasing their commitment and passion for sharing their music. Despite the hectic pace, she appreciated the brief moments to soak in the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

Culinary Delights and Cultural Connections

Lova expressed her admiration for Japanese cuisine, noting its healthiness and rich flavors. Her favorites included takoyaki and a variety of rice dishes with fish or meat. “I find it healthy food. And the flavors are spicy,” she noted, appreciating the unique culinary experiences Japan offers compared to her hometown of Bilbao. She mentioned, “Yesterday we had dinner and we got the takoyaki. Tako rice. Tako rice, chicken, spicy or something like this. It was super good.”

A Journey of Musical Fusion

Joining Esne Beltza two years ago, Lova was discovered by the band’s founder, Xabi Solano Maiza, through Instagram, where she showcased her rap and hip-hop talents. This diverse musical background aligns perfectly with Esne Beltza’s genre-blending style, which incorporates reggae, rock, and more. Lova emphasized the importance of the message in their music, stating, “What I like more is the message. Like the message of the songs. I don’t mind what genre. But what I like is the music.” Her personal influences span a wide range, from Bob Marley to Aretha Franklin, reflecting her eclectic taste and the band’s multifaceted sound.

A Band with a Mission

Esne Beltza’s mission goes beyond music. They aim to fight for freedom, culture, music, and language. This commitment to their roots and values resonates deeply with their fans, making their performances not just entertaining but also meaningful. “We want to fight for our freedom, for our culture, our music, and our language,” Lova stated passionately. Their performances were a testament to their boundless energy, cultural pride, and musical versatility. As they continue to captivate audiences worldwide, their powerful message and infectious spirit remain at the heart of their journey.

[Interview Transcript]

FR: So, congrats, that was a great performance. And I saw you guys last night also. It was so much energy. So, how was the set last night compared to today’s set? Were there differences? How did you feel?

Lova: I think yesterday was like more intimate. Like we were more near the people. But today was like an explosion. We were super happy for being here. It has been like a really huge party today.

FR: Was this your first time at Fuji Rock?

Lova: Yeah. Well, no, it’s never like the band. It was the… How many times have you been here? The third time? Oh, fifth time at Fuji Rock. It’s my first time here. Okay. Because I just entered into the group.

FR: I see.

Lova: This last year, but the group… Yeah, they’ve been here.

FR: So, is this your first time in Japan?

Lova: Yeah.

FR: So, how do you find Japan?

Lova: Wow. The people, like the culture, the food, the passion for music. I’m in love with Japan.

FR: Have you had time to tour, like to travel and explore?

Lova: Not so much, because we arrived here. We went to Sala Mars in New York. Where was Sala Mars? Shinjuku, Tokyo. So, we went there yesterday to go there to play. Yesterday, we’ve been playing here in Fuji Rock, and today, too. Very busy. Yeah. But we see something about Tokyo, and I was like, I love it. Yeah, that’s awesome.

FR: And for you, it’s your first time in Japan. How do you find the crowds in Japan compared to back in Basque Country or Europe, other places you travel to play? How do you find the Japanese crowd?

Lova: I think the Japanese crowd is so grateful. They go crazy or mad. It doesn’t matter if they know you or not. They are so grateful. I love that part of this culture. The passion they have for music. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

FR: Do they feel very welcome? Like, welcome to you?

Lova: Yeah, we feel like they know us. Like all people know us. And it’s super, super funny. Yeah, when you go to places like this, you feel that energy.

FR: Yeah, and that energy is different from the energy playing in other countries?

Lova: Yes, maybe in other countries, they are colder.

FR: Oh, interesting.

Lova: They start like getting high [energy] when the show is in the middle or finishing. But I feel like in Japan, you just say hi and they are like… They are mad just in the start of the show. Right, right, right. So that’s super, super cool.

FR: That’s very awesome. So you guys have been so busy. Are you able to walk around Fuji Rock after this or anything?

Lova: Yeah, yesterday we went to watch Kraftwerk. And maybe today it’s raining but we don’t mind because in Basque Country it’s raining all the time too. So maybe we are going to watch other shows.

FR: Nice. Have you had any of the food here? What’s your favorite Japanese food?

Lova: My favorite food… Maybe… And I’m just impressed that all the food is so healthy or something like this. Like rice with fish or meat. But I like that I find it healthy food. And the flavors are spicy.

FR: Yeah, all the different Asian flavors that you might not get. Do you have much Japanese food back in… You’re from Bilbao, is it? There?

Lova: Yeah. Yeah, but I didn’t try so much. It’s not the same.

FR: Yeah, it’s true. Here I like… I would say like rice with meat and like with the spicy sauce or something like this.

Lova: Here, yesterday we had dinner and we got the takoyaki. No, taco rice with chicken, spicy or something like this. It was super good.

FR: Nice. So how long have you been with the band?

Lova: Two years.

FR: What were you doing before and what made you…

Lova: I have like my own friends apart from the band. I’m like… My name is Lova Lois. Lova, like love. And I meet the band. Xabi, like he find me on Instagram because I was doing a song for the women. Like rapping. I usually do rap, hip-hop. And he find me and he told me, we are looking for a singer in our group and I think you will be the one.

FR: That’s so cool. How did you feel?

Lova: Wow. I couldn’t believe it. That’s a f**king masterpiece.

FR: That’s amazing. And who are your personal music influences? What musicians do you like?

Lova: I think I listen to all type of music. I like the old school musicians. But for reggae, I like Bob Marley, or like Elvis Presley, or Aretha Franklin.

FR: Lots of genres, right? Because you guys play lots of genres also.

Lova: Yeah, yeah. I always say that what I like more is the message. Like the message of the songs. I don’t mind what genre. But what I like is the music.

FR: And you guys have a very strong message also. What would you say, like right now, in this era, what is your band’s message to your fans?

Lova: We want to fight for our freedom, for our culture, our music, and our language. Yeah, so like fighting for rights.

FR: Yes. Amazing. Perfect. Oh, last thing. How do you do this hair?

Lova: This is my mom[‘s work]. She’s the artist.

FR: Your mom?

Lova: She’s the actual artist.

FR: Wow, so she did that for you.

Lova: Yes.

FR: It’s great. Amazing. Thank you so much.
