Posted on 2013/07/25 17:39
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Fuji Rock Weather Forecast

Having just enjoyed the beautiful foggy valley views on the drive-up to Naeba, the only question is whether or not those clouds will be dampening the crowd over the next three days. So here’s the latest update on what the weather looks like from high in the misty mountains of Naeba.

The forecast seems to be clouds, clouds and a spot of rain. If you’re an early riser, you may catch some sun in the morning around 10am but for the rest of us, the skies will be grey. Most rain looks like it will fall in the afternoon, with a predicted 11mm between 3pm to 9pm, but there’s likely to be showers throughout the day. Temperature looks like it will hover around 15˙C.

Early morning risers will be able to enjoy the mountains wreathed in mist (for those of us not going to the pre-fest opening party). But then the sun looks like it will be coming out for most of the day, with less than 10% cloud cover for most of the day. The temperature will stay much the same, remaining at around 16˙C for most of the day. There’s likely to be a spot of rain in the late afternoon and evening but nothing as heavy as Friday.

Sunday appears to be much the same as Saturday, but with the rain starting a little early and less clouds throughout the day. In the evening, there looks to be a far higher concentration of clouds but no predicted rain. Hopefully that proves true and the festival will be able to finish on a dry note.

Of course, this is all predictions and the true weather could be better or worse. But so far, it looks like perfect mild conditions, not too sunny and not too rainy. We’ll find out in the 3 days ahead!