Posted on 2013/07/25 18:29
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Traditional Bon-Odori Dance Opens Festival

The stage is set for Bon-Odori!

It was just a few minutes before the festival gates opened and Mister Wim, an artist well familiar with those who visit the Palace of Wonder (the man responsible for the stickers and the brain stall) was affixing a giant inflatable ball atop this year’s Bon-Odori stage.

Actually, he has placed four balls up there, and he promises that a few are designed to fall to the ground and be kicked around like a soccer ball.

The giant ball at the top, however, won’t descend, because it is too dangerous. That’s at least what he learned a few years ago when the giant ball was not only knocking over beers buta few people in the Oasis area.

Later this evening, a special Bon-Odori performance will take place. It’s a traditional dance of Buddhist original that honors the spirits of one’s ancestors. All across Japan, people return to their hometown to show their respect to long deceased elders, either by cleaning their graves or hosting a banquet. Chinese communities have a similar custom as it’s the start of the annual ghost month.

At Fuji Rock, the event includes women dancing in traditional dress with fans, noise makers, and later in the evening, some fireworks.