Posted on 2013/07/25 18:39
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Skrillex soundcheck and soggy Internet

From our headquarters behind White Stage, the unce unce and wompy wompies are wafting in from the stage as Skrillex, or a mop resembling his half-hawk, or some dude pressing play on a CD, is in fact sound-checking.

In the rain, that is increasing, our Internet is spotty if even there at times. Even with these stacks of wires, routers and surge protectors, even a cell phone satellite right outside setup especially to bring A-plus service to the fest, we have infinite frustrating posting for you all to read in a timely manner!

Tethering from Wi-fi phones and juggling the limited access we got is frustratingly fun. A great Japanese proverb for this particular modern foible could be: “Fumi wa yaritashi kaku-te wa motazu,” or “I want to write but have no writing hand,” or more literally, no Internet connection!

That said, never fear. We at the English ver. 2.0 Fuji Rock Express are a resilient bunch, ready to knock back a half dozen energy drinks taking us through the darkness of night to keep bringing you festival highlights and music reviews. Another proverb for you in this instance, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

And we are chock full of writing will.