Posted on 2013/07/25 19:20
  • More Fun

Open The Gates: Punters Stream Into Fuji Rock 2013

At 6 tonight, the main gates to the 2013 Fuji Rock Festival opened up, and waves of excited punters streamed in for the start of the fest. Save for a few super-excited individuals who literally ran onto the grounds, the majority of folks coming out for the Thursday night edition of Fuji trickled in on foot. The sky opened up with rain almost at the same time as people were allowed in, so it was a steady procession of colorful rain gear marching in.

Well, almost all in ponchos and boots. One pack of punters came wearing colorful wigs and shirts. One guy in a tank top finished off his ensemble with a viking hat. One dude, in over-sized hat, shouted “FUJI! ROCK! FESTIVAL! 2013!” while crossing the bridge. Even with rain pouring down, spirits seemed high as attendees headed towards the food tents or to see which bands would be playing at the Red Marquee tonight.