Posted on 2013/07/26 14:45
  • Live Report
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The White Stage was christened for this year in style by Japanese veterans Arukara. The 4-piece ripped into their smooth, groove-laden alternative rock with enthusiasm, after counting down the minutes to the start. Rolling basslines and racing guitars rose into gnarled and curling solos as the drums kept the beat danceable. But the centerpiece of the band was their vocalist. Half-punk, half-surfer styled and wearing a tambourine almost as a dog collar, his high emotive voice was just the side of melodic rather than spilling over into anger. Having begun their set energetically, they then launched into an almost military march, marshalled by the drums as the vocalist’s voice gradually rose and rose until a shout. Just as the song reached its seemingly climax, it shifted straight into a bouncing party tune with an infectious rhythm.

Halfway through their set was when they decided to use their best known songs. The effect was immediate as the crowd’s energy doubled, further feeding the band’s own on-stage efforts. It saw the guitarist come out from behind his long-hair and really open up on the front of stage, milking his guitar for every last riff while the drums urged him on. All the while, the vocalist swaggered and danced barefoot across stage with his guitar, adding to the mix of riffs when needed. The band also showed their softer, emotional side with a pensive section, full of sweeping guitar and delicate drums before launching back in the chorus.The band finished off in a frenzy of noise, before the vocalist led the crowd in a farewell sing-along, eventually taking his leave of the satisfied crowd. Fuji Rock White Stage was well and truly opened!