Posted on 2013/07/26 15:18
  • Live Report
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A small crowd was on hand to greet Peppertones as they walked onstage for their lunchtime Red Marquee set.  Bassist Jangwon Lee started things off by introducing the band in Korean.  The audience began clapping and cheering as Peppertones launched into their set opener, showing that what they lacked in size they would make up for with enthusiasm.

Early in the band’s career, their musical output was a mix of poppy electronica and house music.  But with last year’s Vol.4: Beginner’s Luck disc, the group switched things up by offering up a selection of pop-rock songs.  Today’s Fuji Rock performance focused on their more recent rock-oriented material.

By the time the act finished their second song a few hundred folks were gathered in the Red Marquee.  Pausing to address the crowd, Lee spoke in Korean again to thank everyone and introduce Peppertones again.  Pulling a crib sheet from his pocket, he then said the same thing in Japanese.  And then without the paper repeated himself a third time in English.  Going back to his notes, he spoke some more Japanese to the crowd and then conducted a mini interview with guitarist Jaepyung Shin.  The audience laughed when Shin pulled out his own crib sheet to answer Lee’s questions.

Although Peppertones record music as a duo, for their performance Lee and Shin were joined by a second guitarist, a drummer, and a keyboardist.  Tracks like “Chance” and “Robot” went over well with an audience looking to enjoy some catchy, melodic tunes and get a bit of cover from the afternoon sun.