Posted on 2013/07/26 18:24
  • Live Report
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Stumble Bum

Webster defines a stumble bum as “a clumsy or inept person, especially a boxer”. The Urban dictionary considers a stumble bum to be 1. “Someone who probably spends too much time on “Stumble Upon”, or 2. “Someone who gets extreme, narcotic pleasure from searching the web randomly via a custom program like Stumble Upon.”

While neither definition seems to fit the band, their name certainly does draw attention to them. Which is either ironic, or wholly intentional because these two dudes are otherwise unequivocally understated.
Tamio (vocals/acoustic guitar) and Toshio may not look like much (think forgettable tees and jeans), but they have an aura that permeates everything their music reaches, sending everyone into a blissful, chillin’ kinda mood.
They play folk rock (although it’s more folk than rock, and to be honest more country than folk) that soothes and eases the mind, without demanding your full attention. Like good background music, their acoustic and electric guitar melodies wind their way around the hilltop, fusing with the surroundings.

The rain began to fall gently as butterflies fluttered and dragonflies hummed. A family picnicked as they enjoyed the show; a couple snuggled on the boardwalk, several others stretched out in the grass, possibly taking a nap.

No, none of us were on anything (although I can only speak for myself), and hippy trips are not normally my scene. It was simply the purity of music that reaches you, but doesn’t intrude while doing its magic.

That’s the beauty of Stumble Bum (apart from their wicked name), they don’t need any crazy lighting or costumes, they create an ambient atmosphere seemingly out of thin air. You may not remember any specific songs later, and you wouldn’t want it to be something you focus your full attention on, but their songs of soft breezes and country-style tunes will definitely leave an impression on you, be it only in the background of your mind.