Posted on 2013/07/27 18:24
  • Live Report
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Bringing back the Japanese roots

It has been said many times before but it can never said enough. Probably the thing that makes Fuji Rock so special is the incredible scope and eclecticism of the music that you hear all around you as you wander through the vast site. Late last night however we were blessed with some music that anyone who is not pretty familiar with Japanese culture will more than likely have never heard of, Enka. This form of traditional Japanese music has roots that stretch back more than one hundred years but it saw a revival in a modern form in the late 60′s. The instrumental arrangements sound somehow Japanese but as far as I can tell, Enka is all about the lyrics and the vocalists. The head honcho of this wonderful site that you are reading now, Koichi Hanafusa dug deep into his collection of Enka 45s last night for a tantalizing journey down memory lane for some of the older members of the audience. Aside from the music, the covers of all the records were a feast for the eyes, showcasing the psychedelic fonts, colors and photos of the 60′s and 70′s.