Posted on 2013/07/27 14:30
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Infernal Varanne’s “Invisible Wall of Death”

In a metal sphere no larger than a Leo Palace apartment with loft space (for those of you outside of Japan just think really, really small), someone is supposed to careen around around the inside of it, over and over again in circles all for the sake of entertainment. Even more, up to THREE PEOPLE are supposed for fit inside and drive around at the SAME TIME. And on top of that, they’re actually in a metal cylinder WITHIN that sphere.

When I first meandered over to the globe, I had no idea what the show was going to entail, so perhaps a blow-by-blow of how it went may serve our purposes better.

Part 1. Okay, big metal sphere, guy on a bike of the brand Indian Motorcycle going inside. He rides around a bit as a warm up. Well, that was pretty cool, but I may have seen something similar on TV.

Part 2. There’s now TWO guys on motorbikes zipping up and down! Diagonally! Parallel from each other with one arm in the air! What is this madness!?

Part 3. There are now THREE suicidal maniacs in the contraption. Good God, they’re revving their engines and away they go! Zipping across every inch of the very limited perimeter… How are they not all dead right now? Why are there no crashes and explosions and burning flesh? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

Mouth agape like a yokel in the city, I was done. I thought they were done.
But they had one last trick up their sleeve.

Part 4. IN THE DARK. All the bright spotlights were switched off, and the three bikers donned suits with thin lines of bright lights across their chests and down their legs. And then off they drove again, only the traces of blurred light etched into my retinas as I had to go and have a sit down.

If you are at FRF this year, you MUST check it out. Let your inner country bumpkin gape in awe at their skill, mastery and insanity. Well worth it, especially since you know you’ll be over by the Crystal Palace or the Rookie stage around then anyway, right? Right?