Posted on 2013/07/27 15:07
  • Live Report
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I feel somewhat obliged to start this review with an apology for its tardiness in going up although, as you might suspect, it’s not called All Night Fuji for nothing. It’s also a long, long, long way back in the early hours of the morning. I tried to estimate exactly how long it took me to drag myself back from the Orange Court but gave up after stopping in at the Palace of Wonder for a pick-me-up or two to ensure I had sufficient reserves to be able to crawl up the 45-degree incline that comprises the final 100 meters of the walk to my hotel.

But enough about me, how was the music?

DJ Nobu appeared to float above his minions, playing his usual brand of feet-to-the floor hard techno with aplomb. There was certainly no stopping him in terms of intensity and the crowd of 150 or so who braved the journey to the Orange Court to experience All Night Fuji were certainly looking much more bushy-tailed than this intrepid writer by the time he finished his knee-destroying set.

The show was billed as being based around an “ANF exclusive laser show,” and smarter people than I will probably know what ANF actually stands for. Oh wait, the penny has just dropped. In any case, the visuals were certainly impressive. Waves of neon flickered regularly across the crowd, seemingly controlled by Nobu up in his elevated booth. Clouds of mist wafted through the dance floor from time to time, intensifying the surreal atmospherics produced by the light show and giving die-hard techno fans something to distract them whenever Nobu let up — which was virtually never.

Fortunately for this writer, All Night Fuji is only held at the Orange Court once per year. But I am certainly tempted to pop down for some serious ligament-stretching action next year should I be in the neighborhood, and I’d suggest you do too…