Posted on 2013/07/27 17:43
  • Live Report
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The shimmering background sound rose and rose as the English 4-man band began the slow sad, burn of their set. As the song began properly, lead man Nick Moon’s vocals blended with guitar as the song moved towards a sad ecstasy. The next song started more forcefully, drums in the forefront and rounded bass supporting it as the vocalist’s breathless murmurs rose in intensity until he was almost half-yelling under his breath.

The predominant guitar sound was an almost electronica keyboard-esque sound and the next song was no exception. As Nick came to the front of the barrier, claiming the stage was too far, the guitar started the next song. It was a half remembered wonderland, full of melancholy and yet joy, half healed wounds and yet hope for the future to come.

Leaving the sadness behind, the band decided upon a sunny song, circling riffing playing off against the squealing tune from the other guitar while the rhythm section pulled the audience into a dream. Phasing, sweeping guitar loops formed the foundation of ‘Boundaries’, with a walking sad bassline and restrained drumming further contributing to the atmosphere. Distortion kicked in, taking the song up and up to its giddy end.

Synth added another warmer contrast to their colder electronic sound and supported the singers beautifully half-whispered vocals. The set ended with icy guitar contrasting with the depressing bop of electronica and cautious bass, culminating withs a release of emotion as Nick croons his last. Such an exquisite, slow sadness had filled the room during the set that you couldn’t be sure if the water on the floor was from the rain or from the tears from some of the audience.