1. Timetabler
These are the people that wait all year for the timetable’s release. Once their wait is over, they’ll spend a week planning out the perfect timetable from 10am until next day’s 5am. At the festival, you’ll see them striding with purpose from stage to stage with their schedule in their hands. That includes all the on this blog…
2. The Wanderer
These people will buy a ticket without even looking at the schedule or maybe with one glance. Once they’ve arrived at the festival, they’ll wander around from stage to stage. Following whims, friends recommendations or just stopping when they hear something they like, they’ll stop and listen.
3. The Camper
Once they’ve got to the festival, these people will do one piece of walking and that’s from the gates to their chosen stage ( most head to the main Green Stage and it’s spacious meadow). After that, they’ll claim their territory by spreading their tarpaulin, setting up their chairs and placing their freezer box within easy reach. They’ll spend the rest of that day at that stage, listening to whatever comes on. Especially popular among young families.
Which one are you?
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See You Next Year!
Posted on 2013/08/14 18:52 -
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Guest Post: Fuji Rock — The mirage in the mountains; chasing the dream
Posted on 2013/08/14 10:14 -
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Best of the Fest: Ben
Posted on 2013/08/05 23:55
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See You Next Year!
Posted on 2013/08/14 18:52 -
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Guest Post: Fuji Rock — The mirage in the mountains; chasing the dream
Posted on 2013/08/14 10:14 -
More Fun
Best of the Fest: Ben
Posted on 2013/08/05 23:55