Posted on 2013/07/27 19:33
  • Live Report
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Performing in front of the biggest backdrop I’ve seen at this year’s fest, American metalcore quintet Killswitch Engage attracted an audience eager to do some mid-afternoon headbanging at the White Stage.  Opening with “The New Awakening” from their new Disarm the Descent disc, bassist Mike D’Antonio wildly swung his instrument around while vocalist Jesse Leach barked out his lyrics.  Known for hamming it up onstage, guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz soon became the focal point of the set.  During “A Bid Farewell” from 2004’s The End of Heartache he held his guitar high above his head and ran across the stage.  Moments later he was licking the neck of his guitar while playing.  Part-way through “Life to Lifeless” he played one handed as he held up his other arm to flex his muscles.  For the most part his antics were incredibly cheesy, but they garnered chuckles from an audience that seemed happy that he wasn’t taking himself too seriously.

Killswitch Engage drummer Justin Foley recently broke his collarbone is a bike accident, so As I Lay Dying’s Jordan Mancino handled drumming duties during the band’s 50-minute set.  Dutkiewicz toasted both Foley and Mancino before chugging a can of beer and belching into the mic.  Several songs into the show, Leach thanked the crowd for hanging out and watching Killswitch Engage even though it was raining.  Wanting to chime in with his own thoughts, Dutkiewicz started gyrating his hips and said “I like that it’s raining.  I like that all the girls are wet.”  He then screamed “The wetter the better” as the band kicked into “Arms of Sorrow.”  Although the audience cheered his speech, it’s doubtful most understood the sexual meaning behind his words.

A giant circle pit broke out during “This Is Absolution,” as excited attendees banged around to fast-paced, heavy music being turned out by Killswitch Engage.  It was at this point that I saw probably the cutest thing I’ve come across so far at Fuji Rock ’13.  Off to the side of the circle pit, a young boy who was maybe about four years old sat atop of his dad’s shoulder.  The boy had a mohawk and was making the metal horns gesture with his hand.  In a very cool move, Dutkiewicz stopped playing for a brief moment and pointed at the boy and smiled.  His simple gesture made a very young metalhead very happy.