Posted on 2013/07/28 01:12
  • Live Report
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Feed Me was always going to be an odd choice to follow Bjork as a special guest on the Green Stage after her headlining performance Saturday night. Following eclectic Icelandic compositions that were gorgeously delivered with the help of a choir with ear-splitting drum ‘n’ bass drops was a bold scheduling move that could have emptied the main stage area faster than you could say Mumford & Sons. And yet it didn’t. While a great many festival-goers did in fact head over to the White Stage to catch Jurassic 5’s reportedly dope performance, a sizeable number stayed to ensure the grass bank at the Green Stage was never going to recover after all that rain, no matter how much sun we ultimately end up getting on Sunday.

Visually it was all very impressive, with dubstep producer Johnathan Gooch positioned in the middle of what looked like a gigantic moustache that projected images in independent panels. Gooch, who is also known as Spor from his days in partnership with pioneering drum ‘n’ bass label Renegade Hardware, played some bangers that had inebriated punters throwing their arms around in jubilation. However, he saved his best bits for the tracks he wound back from full throttle. These he let simmer over the sound system until the less intoxicated members of the audience had no other choice but to abandon any resistance they might have had and join the party. And once that was done, there was no turning back…