Posted on 2013/07/28 01:41
  • Live Report
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Good sound, good vibes at the Busker Stop.

The psychedelic electric guitar godfather, most notably from Simply Red, but also with a smattering of other appearances with worldwide greats Bono, Seal, Annie Lennox and Deep Purple to name a few, this spot on the tiny Busker Stop is a very special engagement, showcasing the one-man show Kenji Jammer creates right before your eyes.

His long wispy hair going grey, shades and pink shirt (probably hemp), along with his gait establish a sense of place for the atmosphere he is about to create.

With just some gadgets, a few pedals, a drum pad and a couple guitars, Kenji starts with a beat, something like a tin can or tabla, then comes on top of that repeating with his sitar solo, and before you know it 10 layers are coalescing together in a symphonic performance. He even used a cute little red bass that I swear was a toy.

He finally gets to the fun part wailing on top of his rich track and is clearly having a blast, getting back to his busker roots perhaps.

The second song (after his intro that was a good ten minutes) is more progressive, with a stronger beat, and he lays atop a bit of regal national anthem-esque rock. He can seriously drop a driving beat and coast down that road like a ’64 Cadillac El Dorado on California’s Highway 1, only slightly swerving towards the sun.

One can really zone out, or more likely lose oneself completely, because Kenji-san is not just a world famous guitarist, he is an atmosphere creator. You have to be that good to be christened the “jammer,” right?

He plays again tonight at the Pyramid Garden, a superior international showcase that includes Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni Ba and Los Guanches. Three completely different kinds of music, but guaranteed high-quality jamming will ensue. I personally have never even made it to the Pyramid Garden, have you?