Posted on 2013/07/28 10:37
  • Live Report
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I have a feeling I’ve written this post before, and I’m sure I’ll write something similar again in the future.

Expectations area bitch. For FRF 11, I was very, very excited about SiM and they met and surpassed any of my wildest expectations.

This year, I had my hopes set very high for Ryukyudisko’s DJ set. With a new release under their belts that is more Okinawan-style than any of their previous material to date, and with the traditional Ryukyu music samples being their thing, I was expecting some sanshin heavy tunes and a few opportunities to shout “eiiiissaaaa” while dancing to their electro beats.

What we did get was a spectacular visual experience courtesy of VJ Devicegirls. Tropical flowers, underwater exploration, Okinawan dancers and drummers galore in bright colors flashed across the screen, reflected on the exhausted but happy faces in the crowd… and a really good, but rather nondescript DJ set.

4am is probably a difficult time slot to play for, but I was begging for something original after the Studio 54 disco horror that had been on prior.

No such thing, sadly. Some nostalgic samples from Fatboy Slim and Prodigy and just a tiny hint of Ryukyudisko’s new material. They had such a great opportunity to promote their originality and instead served up a watered down version that made me lose my appetite. Disko without the Ryukyu? What’s the point?

Sean on the Fujirockers team said it best, “Just lower your expectations and it’ll be fine.”

I guess he’s right, I just wish he wasn’t.