Posted on 2013/07/28 11:00
  • Live Report
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The five member rookie band took to the stage late at night, with a few nerves as the frontman’s nervous talking showed. However, with instrument in hand the band proved much more confident as they combined shoegaze rock, indie rock and any other genres they could get their hands on.

Searing guitar reared among the fuzz and supporting harmony before a cantering run of riffs broke out under the duet of male and female singers. The simple, innocent voices provided a dose of normality among the storming instruments. A incomprehensible frenzy of guitar transitioned to a coursing line of melody, simple duet chorus sitting on it. This abruptly gave way to simple strumming and a melancholy, slow guitar solo that rises into screaming guitar.

Following up these strong instrumental showings was a more indie song with clean guitar, almost boppy riffs and a focus on the vocalists. Post rock guitar and keyboard duet opened the next, further increasing the amount of genres borrowed from. Second last song, bass and guitar duel and bend around each other before an anthemic chorus share between 3 members, as guitar grows shriller still. This morphed into a sludgy aharmonious, rough fuzzed out copy of the same song to finish.

The band’s greatest strength was the variety of genres they blended together without relying on any particular. They had a heady range of sounds, elegantly combined and one that had one the audience over by the time they had exited.