Posted on 2013/07/28 11:20
  • Live Report
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What a great welcome for Wilko!

The hottest ticket in town last night was Wilko Johnson as he had a line that easily spanned the length of the entire Palace of Wonder. It was a fitting tribute to a man who has done so much for music that festivalgoers would line up  so early for yet another show.

The bad news was that only about one third of the audience was able to enter the venue but the good news is that he is playing once again on the Green Stage so absolutely no one will go away without seeing Wilko.

Tonight there was no absence of energy from the overhead lighting rigs to the pumped up crowd waiting for Wilko’s signature duck walk and machine gun guitar attack. He was flanked by long time bassist and a drummer who held a perfect beat. The show was off the charts with energy with even the bartender getting on top the bar for a better view. Occasionally a break was ordered for the benefit of those in front who were getting squished, as Wilko told everyone to please take one step back. This was repeated many times during the night!

No one left the show while Wilko was onstage and many more will undoubtedly greet him on the Green Stage this afternoon.