Posted on 2013/07/28 19:26
  • Live Report
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The vast majority of noticeably younger fans that crowded the Red Marquee early on Saturday afternoon for dream pop rockers DIIV by and large stayed for Daughter a short while later. Those who were fortunate enough to be there 5-10 minutes before the gig started were lucky enough to catch the English trio going through various vocal exercises on the mic, providing fans with an opportunity to get an insight into exactly how they manipulate their production. Vowels echoed as they floated gently away in the distance, creating an atmospheric pressure that was constantly omnipresent. It was there. And there. And also over there. Think everywhere.

Daughter’s opener was immediately a step off the gas pedal that DIVV had firmly planted only a few minutes earlier. And for a few quiet moments, everything seemed quite chilled and I was beginning to understand why the London-based outfit are typically lumped into the indie folk genre.

And then guitarist Igor Haefeli pulled out a violin bow and started assaulting the strings. That changed everything. What’s more, he didn’t look like stopping.

Remi Aguilella picked up the pace on the drums by concentrating solely on the tom toms, creating a grumbling sound akin to an empty stomach, which was somewhat appropriate for the late-lunch time slot. Not that anyone in the crowd was looking to be busting a move out of there, they were staying to see in which direction this was going.

Guitarist Elena Tonra,  who originally started Daughter as a solo project, sang with a voice that is reminiscent of later PJ Harvey releases, although she possesses arguably more range and nailed almost every melancholic note perfectly.

All in all, it was a beautifully crafted and engrossing affair, one that will have this particular writer looking for other opportunities to see the trio live again sometime soon in the not-too-distant future. They will certainly be one of the first artists I’ll mention to my friends’ daughters, should they ever ask me for a recommendation.