Posted on 2013/07/28 21:15
  • More Fun

Stick It To Me: My Favorite Foodstuff From Fuji Rock 2013

I talked to someone yesterday about what makes Fuji Rock a special festival. Their response – “Food!” Dude was totally right, Fuji Rock has a crazy amount of good food. A lot of it has already been written about on this blog – amazing pizza, burgers and more (many of which I’ve eaten after seeing online) – but here’s my favorite snack from the weekend. It is a pork skewer available at a stand on the far end of the Red Marquee, basically a few steps to the left of that venue’s side entrance. Their specialty is pork…they also sold a pork bowl, that looked quite tantalizing…and this simple arrangement in particularly shined. You can get it with just salt and pepper, or smeared with sauce (I opted for the prior). The meat is so juicy and tasty, packing in a lot of flavor into a few hunks of meat. I, uhhhh, ate several this weekend. Hunt them down with your remaining hours…or start dieting for next year.