Posted on 2013/07/28 22:43
  • Live Report
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I’ve discovered the cure for all ills. It’s name is Uhnellys.

Down in the dumps? Uhnellys has you covered.

Passing out in a corner from exhaustion? Uhnellys has got your back.

Constipated? Uhhhhh…nellys?

I’m not too confident about the last one after all, but I’m pretty sure they could at least make you forget about the issue for a while. Their unique rock-meets-hip hop-and-has-an-affair-with-jazz-while-playing-around-with-hardcore show is a must-see mind-blowing experience.

In what felt like the shortest show ever, duo Kim and Midi managed to crank out a whole heap of tunes in just 40 far-too-short minutes. They opened with “El Dorado”, a fast-paced and rhythmically fantastic track—having said that, this describes virtually every song they’ve ever played.

Every song they played had the crowd going crazy, but with Kim egging everyone on, the dancing got more and more intense. At least four people slipped and fell into the mud, including one cameraman. One of them got up and gave me a look that said, “Worth it!”

But as with all things fun, it ended far too quickly. “Don’t Stop” (one of the two songs available for free download from their website until August 4th) certainly reflected the feelings of most of the crowd, who stayed around clapping for an encore, even after the stage hands started to clear away the instruments.

Here’s hoping they’ll get on an even bigger stage next year to share the fun with even more music lovers. I’d love to see them on the White Stage, or any stage for that matter.