Posted on 2013/07/28 23:08
  • Live Report
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Pop music reminiscent of the 60's and 70's

French rockers, Tahiti 80  have recorded 5 records and have nearly 15 years of touring experience. All of this would be needed today as Mumford and Sons were just concluding their set on the nearby Green Stage at the time that Tahiti 80 started.

I was surprised to find the Red Marquee full, at least up front where hardcore fans of the band had obviously been waiting well before the band were scheduled to start. The band’s longevity had helped them develop a strong base in Japan, albeit a quiet and rather shy crowd which may have something to do with their music.

Tahiti 80 have often been described as “pop” or “surf pop” and these distinctions wouldn’t be far from the truth as the band harked back to what they describe as the golden age of music which they attribute to  the 60′s or the 70′s, a time when music wasn’t  cynical and artificial. In today’s set one can easily pick out the references to the Beatles and the Beach Boys.

The band also sing in English instead of French because they believe that rock and roll simply sounds better in English. They also speak to the audience in English, today introducing a new tune from their EP, which was being played for the very first time.

Xavier Boyer was in full ebullient mood today, the lights from an overhead disco ball lighting up his face. He was ably supported by Médéric Gontier and  Sylvain Marchand on drums,  as well as keyboard support by Pedro Resende and Raphaël Léger.

In the end, Boyer asked if the crowd wanted one more song or two more songs, naturally, they gave the crowd what they wanted as the show continued into the night.