Posted on 2013/07/28 23:30
  • Live Report
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A word of advice if you ever decide to check these guys out live. Don’t look away from the stage at any point in time. Not to look at your friend, not even to give a death glare to the guy who elbowed you in the ribs, not even to check your phone. Not even for one second.

You still won’t have any idea of what hit you, but you’ll have a better idea of what’s happening around you at least in case it’s coming your way.

They say 55% of your first impression of someone or something comes from visual appearance and body language. These Sapporo boys (and really, they’re boys with an average age of 19) definitely make some kind of impression.

Enter stage left: bassist Koborikun in a skeleton suit, drummer Taichi has pink hair and is wearing nothing but boxer shorts, keyboardist Romantic Yasuda has on a striped blue, green and red suit jacket, and guitarist Kyosuke looks like one of the Ramones. They go right into their set and green-haired vocalist Ryo—me—, donning an embroidered blouse (possibly Hungarian) runs onto the stage and launches a giant red balloon attack onto the audience.

Confused? I sure as hell was, but it was so much fun. They had so much energy and their rock’n’rolltastic songs had depth, wit and a fair bit of cockiness.

For their second song, “Okashina Futari”, they threw out bags of small items into the crowd. As people gathered to pick them up, they explained to use these mysterious presents during the chorus. The chorus came and BANG! About 30 party poppers were fired into the air. At some point the guitarist ended up on the singer’s shoulders and then suddenly the song was over.
See what I mean about not looking away?

The drummer at this point stood up on his stool and was asked to “Henshin” (change appearance—this was also the name of the next song). He gladly did so, by stripping off his boxer shorts revealing a tiny pair of tanga. Ryo—me— threw the scrunched up undies into the audience, whose members ducked and narrowly avoided a close encounter they would possibly regret.

From there it just kept getting crazier, but that’s for you to discover in person. If you don’t think you’ll have the chance, make it, because they guys are worth it and steadily on the rise to (crazy-ass) fame.