

Sound Board Heroes

There are over a dozen stages here at Fuji. If you were to watch it from above it probably looks like a mass migration or an ant farm or some other laboured comparison to a bunch of animals swarming from one hub to another.

You know who’s at the heart of every hub, though? Theses folks. Call ‘em what you will – sound technicians, audio engineers, ‘sound guys’ (or girls, as the case may be). They’re prominently in the centre of every venue yet virtually ignored by everyone. Yet in my experience having seen at least fifty bands at FujiRock over the years, I have never heard a single band sound awful. They have all sounded great. They’re as talented as the people on the stage, working in synergy with them to create your FujiRock experience. I just can’t figure out where they manage to find this many sound folk who aren’t just competent, but pretty damned good.


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