
7/25 FRICafe de Paris


Talco are part punk, part funk and all party. Rizia on trumpet and Cioro on saxophone lead the charge as the mosh pit gets going in the 30 degree heat. Sweat flies everywhere as bodies collide, the bass kicking while the guitar screams over the lyrics. The absence of any security spoilsports see crowdsurfing and stage-diving kick off with the rest of the party with even Dema on lead vocals having a go. The crowd may not speak any Italian but they sure as hell understand what the band is about.

The mosh continues, a raring guitar line pierced by blare of brass and steady rocking beat from Nick on drums forming the next number. But it’s not all instrumental fun, with a chorus heavy number leading into brass solos and crowd chants that plunge back into the craziness of the party. The tone is then brought down a little bit, with the next an almost folk-like rock and roll song, Dema rapidly rapping out lyrics to jaunty guitar from Jesus. From there, it’s onto a varied song that alternates between ballady softness, anthemic choruses and blasting bass and brass.

The next is not so much a sing-along but a shoutalong of ‘Somebody’ that gets the crowd revitalized again for one last push towards the end. The set is a blur of dancing, camaraderie and aggressive, groovy fun. The band feeds off the crowd’s energy, grins spread over their faces at the sheer energy of the crowd. But it has to end sometime and it does, with the band taking time at the end to come to the front and celebrate their second gig ever in Japan with their friends, with many rubs of Ketto’s bald head for luck.


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