


The Green Stage saw its first capacity crowd this festival as Foster the People appeared for a mid-afternoon set. The band were primed and ready for this performance after the viral success of their hit “Pumped Up Kicks” in the year 2010. And as the audience would soon learn, band frontman, Mark Foster, has been waiting his whole life for just this type of performance. He did not disappoint with his white trousers and floral shirt, frequently dancing from one side of the stage to the other.

Foster the People have been regulars on the festival circuit since their breakout success, and you could tell that they know how to fill out a stage. Working each corner with choreographed moves to songs such as “Miss You” and others. Tandem drumming added even more excitement to the set, as well as Foster’s dynamic stage presence. Throughout the set, lone dancers on the hillside stood up and waved their arms, and the immediate around the stage was a sea of dancing bodies.

As you may guess, many were waiting with bated breath for their hit single, and it came almost as a surprise trickling out with a few faint musical notes before launching full throttle into the a rousing chorus. I’ve wondered long and hard about the lyrics of this song and if it’s appropriate for teens and the indiscriminate violence in urban areas, i.e. “you better run, better run, faster than my speeding bullet.” But today, with the sun shining and a sea of people dancing in unison, simply having a good time was the only thing on my mind.


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